Bible verse of the day

Our Artfully Crafted & Prayerfully Curated Decks of Scripture Verses Encourage Daily Meditation

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How to Pray with Ponderings Cards

Bible Meditation Tips
Bible verse of the day
Bible verse of the day


The goal of Ponderings For Your Soul is to strengthen the faithful for a deep interior life of prayer. Our Cards creatively encourage the daily habit of praying with Scripture.

Beth's Blog
Bible verse of the day


As unique as each human is, so is their prayer relationship with Jesus. Deepen your daily prayer life and grow in desire to unite your will with God's will for you life.

What is Prayer?


Holy Scriptures can be intimidating. Different Bible Translations add to the confusion. We quote the RSV - Revised Standard Version of the Bible.

Bible Translations

Ponderer's Testimonials

"I just finished my quiet time, and I
can honestly say (embarrassingly) that I have not opened my Bible in over 10 years. Thank you, my sister for the wonderful gift you gave me on Sunday. What a blessing!!”

a friend of Julie L.

"Your cards have brought me so much joy – and reiterated that we are never alone. God is always with us!"

Beth R.

"What a unique, simple, but very powerful way to remember God is with me throughout the day. When I walk by my kitchen table and see the easel with my card on it, I reflect on what is most important. My teenage son even asked me about one of the verses as he was eating his breakfast! It was the best conversation starter!"

Tracy S.

"I love the “Ponderings” cards. A beautiful way to focus for meditation on the mighty and life giving word of God. The designs reflect the beauty of the verses, and I can see how they will draw one into periodically viewing the message throughout the day for reflection and as a reminder of your resolution for the day."

Phyllis T.

Pondering's Blog


As Christians, we are called to have a rich interior life, one that is centered on the person of Jesus Christ! Christ, God made man, reaches down to earth to be in a relationship with each one of us. An intimate friendship with Jesus is unique to each person, our temperament and personality, our experience and education, our culture and language, our work and play. Journey NOW towards Jesus with Deck 1.

Deck 1 BLOG Post
Bible verse of the day


Our Father is the powerful creator of heaven and earth and all that resides there. He is true. He has always existed and is not bound by time or space like we humans are bound. He created us to love and to be loved in his image. To love and to live in communion with Him and each other in peace and joy, mercy and gratitude, trust, and obedience. Spend TIME getting to know your heavenly Father with Deck 2.

Deck 2 BLOG Post

Deck 3 - THE SON

Take the time to learn Jesus’ story, who He really is and what He really wants of you. Meditate on the power behind his being the Son of the living God. Let him touch your heart with his mercy and grace. Learn to love Him, to trust him, to be humble and good like him. In his WORD and in your heart, you will find him, and your heart’s capacity for love will grow and you will never need another influencer or superhero again.

Deck 3 Blog Post


Jesus entered into our humanity – born of woman – fully human and fully divine – to build a bridge, to heal the relationship damaged by original sin between God and humanity. He ransomed us from the captivity of sin and atoned for our sins. By his obedience, Jesus shows us how deep his love is for us. He willingly sacrificed himself on the Cross out of love for us – real love. Jesus’s willing sacrifice is why the crucifix is all about love.

Deck 4 Blog Post