Bible Meditation - What is God Like?

          Don’t forget to make time for your prayer - quiet, meditative time, talking with your God and your friend.  He is interested in all the details of your life!  Our obedience to prayer shows God, we love him, want to spend time with him and are interested in growing spiritually! It is so interesting how many lists there are in Scripture – lists of God’s qualities, or virtues he hopes to see in us, his friends.  Here is one of my favorite lists from Psalms 145. It is a great reminder of who our God is and what He is like!  Consider taking the time to meditate on His qualities.

Our God is:

  • Great
  • Gracious
  • Merciful
  • Slow to anger
  • Abounding in mercy
  • Good to all
  • Compassion over all
  • Faithful in all words
  • Gracious in all deeds
  • Upholds those who are falling
  • Raises those who are bowed down
  • Gives food in due season
  • Satisfies the desire of every living thing
  • Just in all his ways
  • Kind in all his doings
  • Near
  • Fulfills desire
  • Hears our cries
  • Saves us
  • Preserves those who love


His kingdom is everlasting!


On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works,
I will meditate. Psalm 145:5