Develop Deep, Daily, Desire!

 Advice for a Ponderer.... 

Strive to Develop these three things:


DEEP: thinking, meditating, and pondering about faith, God, self-knowledge, Your spiritual journey, etc. Deep prayer, which is called mental prayer, a prayer from the depths of your heart. (Vs vocal prayer i.e., Hail Mary, etc.)  Mental prayer is a personal, one on one, intimate conversation with God. Letting him love you and loving him back!  It is you talking through prayer and you listening to God talk by reading Scripture or quieting your mind and environs.  DEEP.

DAILY: Make a concerted, obedient effort to spend quiet, quality time with Jesus every day. Make an appointment and keep it. DAILY.

DESIRE: approach prayer with a docile, humble desire to grow in holiness, listen to God, follow his way, grow in virtue, a desire and openness to change and improve your faith and your life.  An openness to surrendering your will to HIS, cease resisting.  We need a mustard seed size of faith and desire and that will open the door for God’s grace and mercy to flood your soul. DESIRE.