Daily Prayer - Deepen My Interior Life

Dear Mary, Mother of Prayer, Our Mother,

            Please Teach us to discover God who is so close to our lives!  Help us to find him in the silence and peace of our hearts.  Only he who ponders things in his heart with a true Christian spirit can discover the immense riches of the interior world, the world of grace, that hidden treasure which is within us all.  It is by pondering things in your heart that you, as time went on, grew in understanding of the mysteries in sanctity and in unity with God. Pray for me to grow spiritually, in love and in virtue.  (Mary of Nazareth F. Suarez)

            O Blessed silence of Nazareth!  Teach us recollection; teach us interior life; teach us to be docile to good inspirations and trustworthy spiritual guides.  Teach us the value of study, of meditation, of interior life of the secret prayer that is only heard by God. (Blessed Pope Paul XI 1/5/64)

            May I never miss an urging of the Holy Spirit this day!  Amen.


 Mental prayer is nothing else, in my opinion, but being on terms of friendship with God, frequently conversing in secret with Him, who we know loves us!

(St. Teresa of Avila)


But Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart.  Luke 2:19


And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was obedient to them; and his mother kept all these things in her heart.  Luke 2:51