Only One Loaf

            Who does Jesus tell us he is?  There are many “I am” statements in Scripture but the one that comes to my mind today is bread. “I am the Bread of Life” (John 6:48)Bread is a universal food in so many cultures so is it by chance that Jesus was born in Bethlehem (meaning house of bread) or that his first crib was a feeding trough? Turn this stone into bread? How many loaves do you have? How can we feed these men in the dessert?  We have no bread. We only have one loaf! Saint Pope John Paul II said, “In the designs of Providence, there are no mere coincidences.”

            Jesus sighed deeply in his Spirit – when the apostles were complaining about having no bread and Jesus had just miraculously fed 4,000 people!  Jesus seems to say, – don’t you see, you only need me, and I am right here.  But he is hidden now – you must search for him, so he knows you want a relationship with him. Seek him with your whole heart.

And they discussed it with one another, saying, “We have no bread.”  And being aware of it, Jesus said to them, “Why do you discuss the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive or understand? Are your hearts hardened?  Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember?  When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They said to him, “Twelve.”  “And the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” And they said to him, “Seven.”  And he said to them, “Do you not yet understand?” Mark 8:16-21

           We need to nourish our souls, daily, not just our bodies. How do you nourish your soul? Do you not have eyes to see and ears to hear?  Who is Jesus? Is he who he said he is? How can, I be sure?  Do I understand? Was he just a good man? An effective teacher? An inspiring speaker? A loving friend?  OR is he the son of God, made man, offering his life for ours as payment for our sins, so we can approach God with confidence again and say, Abba, Father! One is a great guy; one is LORD of the Universe.  We can’t have it both ways. One is God and the other is crazy if he isn’t who he claimed to be. Which one are you following?  Which one do you want to submit your life to?  A good preacher, or your powerful Creator! You will find answers meditating on Scripture, on his words, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Church.  Being open and finding these kinds of answers are fruits of praying with Scripture (Lectio Divina).

          His kindness, his mercy, his teachings, and his words are extraordinary. While walking the earth, he spoke often in parables, yet he also spoke plainly, especially to his inner circle.  Surprisingly he also spoke plainly to a non-Jewish woman at the well. His message is for all of us if we have ears to hear! We can imagine and we can hear in Scripture that his words moved hearts and minds. Miracles and healings and resurrections.  Amazing proofs of who he said he was, yet many, were still not convinced – where did this man get all this? Isn’t this Joseph’s son? We know him – we grew up with him.  Seems like in his physical presence it would have been easy to see him.  But many still didn’t see him or hear him. Sin blinds us.  Is there a reason so many blind people are healed in Scripture and that there are so many prayers and verses in Scriptures about seeing. Am I blind?

            My friends, we are Israel! God’s grace and miracles and healing comforts surround us still today. His very presence in our heart (Do you not know Christ is in you? 2 Cor 13:5) is real and available to us in Scripture, Baptism, Confirmation, Communion, and Confession along with the grace of the infused theological virtues: Charity, Hope and Faith. He readily gives us the disposition to see and hear in faith – but we must keep our supernatural glasses clean and pure, sometimes get our eyes fixed and be sure to look in the right places to see him clearly in our lives. Ask him to heal your blindness.

            Finding Jesus takes effort, deep thought, reflection, humility, and heart.  You are made in his image with intellect, reason, free will and an incredible capacity to love.  Do you use these gifts to search for Him in your daily life? Think on these things.

            Scripture shows who he is in many places, and he tells you himself plainly!  You will find Jesus in the quiet of your heart and mind. He wants a peaceful and pure environment in your heart to do his best work and to communicate with you clearly.  Look for Jesus. Start with your own heart (God is near. Psalms 34:18) By God’s grace you will see him, the Son of the living God. Who is Jesus? I am the bread of life (John 6:48), waiting for you to seek me so I can nourish your soul.



Oh, My Jesus, please awaken within me a desire to love. Awaken my soul and activate your grace!  Nourish my soul with your Eucharist, bind your flesh to mine, cell by cell, so little by little I can grow more like you, loving, forgiving, serving, and listening in charity and humility.  Open my eyes to see and open my ears to hear you in me, in every situation and in every person I come in contact with this day.  Be with me Lord, be in me, be all around me and let your love be reflected through me. AMEN.


 Related Scripture Verses

I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh. John 6:51


If with humility, hope, and love, we read the divine words of Scripture, which are spirit and life, they contain for us a special grace that daily inclines us more to imitate the virtues of Christ, His meekness, patience, and heroic love on the cross.  Besides the Holy Eucharist, the true food of the saints is to be found in the Scriptures: the word of God, transmitted by His only Son, the WORD made flesh. Hidden under the letter is the living thought of God, which, if we are docile, the gifts of understanding and wisdom will make us penetrate and taste more and more.  Page 248 The Three Ages of the Interior Life