10 Quick Tips

  1. Your “manner” of prayer, your interior disposition is more important (humility, gratitude & docility) than your “method” of prayer.
  2. Your relationship with Jesus is as unique as you are.
  3. Find a quiet, private place to pray daily.
  4. Set an alarm and commit to a regular appointment. This small obedience opens the floodgates of grace. This is the Heroic Minute (St. Jose Maria Escrivá)
  5. The goal of prayer is to grow in union and love of Jesus Christ – not necessarily an intellectual or emotional pursuit although both of those can be part of prayer.
  6. You get better with practice at quieting your mind and limiting distractions.
  7. Always ASK the Holy Spirit to help you understand or see the errors in your thoughts or actions. ASK yourself questions.
  8. Jesus speaks to you personally when you read Scripture. Listen in silence.
  9. Electronics don’t count as personal, quiet prayer with Jesus.
  10. If you are not growing or “hearing” Jesus, check your sins or what you are holding back from God. Be honest with yourself and God. He will reward your vulnerability and humility. Pray for your faith to increase.

Examine yourselves, to see whether you are holding to your faith.  test yourselves. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? 2 Cor 13:5


  • SLOW DOWN, pray with heart
  • Prayer is your relationship, all LOVE!
  • This prayer time is Not a spiritual to do list
  • Humble, Docile, Obedient, Persevere
  • Develop: Deep, Daily, Desire
  • Let the Holy Spirit & Mary lead you intimately to Christ.
  • There must be fruit – the barometer of a healthy prayer life – spiritual growth: growth in charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity, piety, etc.


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